Mental Health Blog

"Make mental health and well-being for all a global priority!"

While most of us know the importance of looking after our mental health, this can become more difficult in working environments where there are often many distractions. In busy offices or other workspaces, prioritising our mental health can take a back seat while we focus on client deadlines, communicating with colleagues, career progression and many other elements. However, despite the distractions, there are things employers can do to ensure mental health isn’t declining in the workplace.

Why is it important to look after our mental health while working?

Despite this being a topic that many still find difficult or uncomfortable to talk about, experiencing mental health issues at work is becoming increasingly common. With so much time spent at work, ensuring we are looking after our mental health is even more important. There are many benefits to empowering good mental health in the workplace, and not just for the individual employee.

Mental health risk factors in the workplace

To support mental health in your company and avoid the major pitfalls, you should understand what can positively or negatively change an employee’s mentality at work. The WHO lists these major mental health factors for the workplace:

• Stress is far and away the largest risk factor in employee mental health. Deadlines, quotas and the many metrics for business performance can all induce stress in employees. While small amounts of stress are typical for a workplace, undue and excessive stress creates major risks that should never be ignored.

• Harassment and bullying are other major risks. The WHO has issued multiple warnings and provided resources to deal with workplace harassment. Harassment can take many forms, but the bottom line is that an employee feels antagonized at work.

• Poor communication is often cited as a source of workplace stress for employees. That stress can have poor mental health outcomes, sometimes even leading to clinical problems.

• Limited participation is another major risk. When employees feel they are not part of the decision-making process, they often feel isolated or underappreciated. These feelings contribute to poor mental health in the workplace.

• Poor working hours – whether too long, too inflexible or too late – create physical health problems in the workplace that can compound mental health risk factors. If a work schedule prevents an employee from getting proper sleep or sufficient social interaction outside of the workplace, it can create a negative trend for that individual’s mental health.

How to support employees’ mental health:

You and your human resources team play a vital role in supporting employee mental health. It is your responsibility to create an inclusive workplace and provide the necessary support for your team. We spoke with experts to identify the top ways you can support your employees.

1. Educate your team.

Facilitating a supportive company culture starts with you, the employer. If you haven’t done so already, host a companywide meeting to address the pandemic and how it can impact mental health. Educate your team on how to improve self-care, reduce workplace stress and avoid burnout. It can be beneficial to hire a health professional to speak about these topics and answer questions that employees may have.

“Hiring a mental health professional to talk to employees outlining practices to promote good mental health and to point out signs that it may be time to seek professional help can empower employees to take action toward improving their own mental health,” said Ames.

2. Host regular check-in meetings.

Since mental wellness can quickly change, it is important to regularly check-in with your employees. After hosting a companywide meeting, Kara Lissy, clinical coordinator and psychotherapist at A Good Place Therapy, recommends that each department manager schedule one-on-one meetings with their team members. Here, the manager can discuss any follow-up questions the employee may have and review the company’s mental health benefits in more detail.

“Sometimes during large team gatherings people are hesitant to speak up and are more likely to confide in a one-on-one setting,” said Lissy. “Making mental health a regular part of your check-ins can also help assuage some stigma associated with the topic.”

3. Encourage proper self-care.

Employees may be hesitant to take time off or speak up about any struggles they are experiencing. Promote the importance of self-care and lead by example so your employees focus on their mental health. Consider offering paid time off for mental wellness days or schedule team breaks so your employees can mentally reset.

“Provide a companywide set time for all employees to take a formal ‘walk’ together, assuming they can move, and the weather allows,” said Yudhishthu. “This ensures everyone collectively takes a 30-minute physical and mental break without returning to 10 unread emails and Slack messages.”

4. Facilitate clear communication.

Communication is key, especially during a time when many are working remotely. It is easy to fall into a pattern of “out of sight, out of mind,” but having a remote team is even more of a reason to have clear, consistent communication. Communicate with your employees clearly and compassionately about your current company policies and mental health treatment options. If your employees have questions, know whom they can turn to for answers.

“In light of such unprecedented times, HR professionals can help ensure employees have the support they may need by offering regular, open and consistent communication with their employees,” said Ogilvy. “Many employees are coping with feeling overwhelmed and anxious as they adjust to working from home, a location that may not be optimal for their productivity due to conflicting responsibilities.”

5. Implement supportive workplace mental health policies and resources.

There are several mental health support resources available that you can offer your employees. For example, you should be offering your team an employee assistance program (EAP), bereavement leave, grief counseling, and a list of in-network network therapists, psychiatrists and mental health clinics.

“An essential benefit is an EAP, which gives employees access to expert, confidential assistance for issues such as substance abuse, relationship strife, financial problems and mental health conditions,” said Yudhishthu. “These services are offered through an outside provider that connects employees with the appropriate resources and professionals. These programs enable companies to provide professional assistance to employees while allowing them confidentiality at work.”

Regardless of what mental health coverage and employee wellness resources you offer, make sure they are up-to-date and easy to access. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released its recommendations for employers to help them better the mental health of their employees.

These evidence-based guidelines include advice on helping organisations to provide staff training, feel confident offering individual and group interventions, and challenge stigma in the workplace.


Changes to the National Minimum Wage (NMW) rates confirmed for 2023/24